“In the heart of Tuscany there is a small family company able to combine innovation with tradition...” It might seem the same old (beautiful) story about wine producers strolling round a...
“In the heart of Tuscany there is a small family company able to combine innovation with tradition...” It might seem the same old (beautiful) story about wine producers strolling round a vineyard talking about their craft. But it’s not. Or better, it’s not only about this. Fratelli Saraceni is the personal project of 2 brothers who have transformed with an extraordinary ambition a prestigious but little-known family Winery into a leading brand on the Italian and global wine scene, a favorite of cosmopolitans and wine lovers throughout the World. It’s the story of a family who want to share what they love, started making only a limited production for consumption each year.
Now add a sensible touch of coolness...and the lifelong goal of sharing the magic of Saraceni Wines™ with the aim of creating peerless moments. The brothers set out to share their vision, their products, their passion and soon transformed Saraceni Wines into an international symbol of celebration, accomplishing their lifelong goal with the world, making great memories.